Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Liposuction Prices In Bangkok, Thailand

 Procedures   Surgery
Face              30,000
Doublechin              30,000
Arms              30,000
Axilla              15,000
Upperabd              15,000
Lowerabd              15,000
Love handles              30,000
Back roll              60,000
Inner thighs              30,000
Knees              30,000
Calves              60,000
Ankles              30,000
Male breasts              60,000
3D Arms              60,000
3D Abd           100,000
3D Buttocks           100,000
3D Things           200,000
3D Legs           100,000

For more information you may contact the information below: 
Email: info@bangkokaestheticplasticsurgery.com
Line app: osias05
Whats app, viber: +63922977537
Website: http://www.bangkokaestheticplasticsurgery.com/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Bangkok-Aesthetic-Plastic-Surgery-816513568471554/

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Why Bangkok Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Why Bangkok-plasticsurgery.com? Bangkok-plasticsurgery.com willing to help  when it comes to your plastic surgery needs in Thailand.  We rendered 100% free services to all foreigners who love to come to Thailand for plastic surgery needs.

At Bangkok-Plasticsurgery.com, we partner with prestigious hospitals, plastic surgery clinics and dental clinics in Thailand who can give you best quality results.

Choosing the best plastic surgery clinic and plastic surgeon in Thailand is not easy so that why we are here to you help.

For more information you may contact the information below: 
Email: info@bangkokaestheticplasticsurgery.com
Line app: osias05
Whats app, viber: +63922977537
Website: http://www.bangkokaestheticplasticsurgery.com/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Bangkok-Aesthetic-Plastic-Surgery-816513568471554/

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